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Cherish the memory of Mr.Tang Hsiang-chien, deliver the spirit of Excellent

June 1, 2018 jyxy click:[]

However tall is the tree, what comes from the soil will return to the soil. In memory of Mr.Tang Hsiang-chien, the representative of the 1-4 grade student of Junyuan college came to Qinglong Mountain Cemetery under the guidance of teacher Sun Bowen in the afternoon of April 27th and pay our respects to Mr.Tang Hsiang-chien at his tomb.

Along the stone steps, the students slowly walked to Mr.Tang Hsiang-chien's tombstone. Stand before the solemn tombstone, the teachers and students lined up, and the student delegate donate flower baskets one by one to Mr.Tang Hsiang-chien. After giving the flowers, Mr. Sun told students about the great contribution made by Mr. Tang Hsiang-chien to national education and the kindness help to our college. Then, the students, Chen Zhiwei and Wang Congrong, expressed their sorrow in front of the tombstone of Mr. Tang. They said that in the future study and life, they will strive hard and keep forging ahead, and strive to become the outstanding engineers of the construction of the motherland, and won’t let the care and expectation of the Tang family down.

Recollection of the preparation of Junyuan college is the result of the positive cooperation between Mr. Tang Hsiang-chien and his friend, Mr. Lei Huanwen, after Mr.Tang told the Jiangnan University through Mr.Lei his wish to help with the education, and the benefit of the future. Mr. Tang Hsiang-chien is eager to set up a college that can train high-quality engineering talents, and cultivate more excellent talents for the development of national machinery manufacturing. It can be said that without Mr. Tang Hsiang-chien's patriotic spirit of patriotism and emphasis of education, there would be no Junyuan College now. As a student of Junyuan college, gratitude must be kept in mind. However tall is the tree, what comes from the soil will return to the soil. May the spirit of Tang Hsiang-chien endure forever, and your spirit of love will always inspire and inspire the native students.

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